ARM Robot dengan Arduino uno R3

ARM Robot dengan Arduino uno R3 (6 Servo dengan 6 Potensiometer)

       ARM robot adalah suatu tangan mekanik yang di program dengan komputer, dengan banyak fungsi seperti tangan pada manusia. ARM Robot adalah suatu bagian kecil dari suatu mekanisme robot yang lebih komplex. fungsi robot ARM sendiri adalah menggantikan tugas manusia yang memiliki tinggkat bahaya yang tinggi ataupu bisa menggantikan pekerjaan manusia dalam bidang industri skala besar.

kali ini saya akan membahas simulasi ARM robot dengan software proteus

Required Components 

.                  1.    Arduino Uno R3
                   2.    6 Servo Motor
                   3.    6  Potentiometer
                   4.    9V Battery

    You can simply simulate this project with protues software


1 . Design file for Robotic Arm   - DOWNLOAD
2 . Hex file                               - DOWNLOAD
2 . INO CODE                           - DOWNLOAD

      Thank You For Downloading.

Explanation :   This design mainly constructed for controlling servo motors with potentiometer (actuators).
there are 6 servo motors and 6 corresponding potentiometer. By changing the value of potentiometer we get input signal to micro controller. we know that potentiometer produce only  analog signal therefore we needed convert this analog signal  to digital signal first . Analog signals only applied to the analog input provider by the arduino uno r3. first we read the analog signal from the input pins  .it will be in the digital form it have 10bit resolution and has  data value between 0 - 1023 . This 0 - 1023 data we mapped to 0 -255 for changing the duty cycle of servo from 0 -100 %.

                             Operation of the servo motor is worked by applying pwm signal for each 20ms cycle frequency  , the signal frequency varies from 0 - 2 ms.  Waveform indicating the  + 45 degree and +90 degree servo positioning with its frequency.

                +45 Degree

                +90 Degree

You can change this properties by changing frequency and duty-cycle of the PWM signal

referensi : wikipedia

sumber :

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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